Monday, 21 June 2010

Flag leaf application

Today we applied Activate MP, Hi-Mag, Sulphur, And Nitrogen at 30l/ha so as you have realised this is the same as before, the wheat is just breaking boot , is exceptionally clean , apart from weeds.We have controlled the wild oats and charlock i have some misgivings about the fools parsley though i think we may have given it aheadache but thats all. The Trefoil is what one could call bloody slow but is still hanging on.Over all i am pleased with it so far , pity about weeds, as you can see from Gladys the wheat is motoring on,

Saturday, 12 June 2010

Update 2 applications

Ok we have decided that wehave to control the weeds , otherwise we will end up in a mess , this is one of the valuable lessons i have learnt, no matter how much you want it to work , weeds stuff it up ,control them and what you are attempting to achieve will become easier to the extent that in the future we hope to have less weed burden, So last week i sprayed the wild oats out with axial abd adigor and then yesterday iwent with the following
Activate MP at 1.5lt/ha which is A multi-mineral formulation containing magnesium phosphonate, essential amino acids,auxins, betaines, & a range of organic chelating agents.
Also Hi-mag at 1 lt/ha which is a unique nitrogen-free formulation containing Magnesium Sulphate,and also essential amino acids,auxins, betaines, & a range of organic chelating agents , and and we also added 1lt/ha of sulphur , we also added 30 l/ha of UAN giving approx 10kg/ha of N and then to see off the fools parsley etc we added some MCPB .
I`ll take soem photos soon.